Put Your Trust In A Former Federal Prosecutor Who Knows What It Takes To Win

Protecting Your Rights At All Times: Baltimore DUI/DWI Defense Lawyer Serving Maryland And D.C.

If you are facing charges for DUI or DWI (drunk driving), be sure you have an experienced defense attorney on your side who will fight to protect your rights. A conviction on drunk driving charges can result in serious penalties, including fines, jail time and the loss of your driver’s license.

In many cases, it seems like the legal system operates on an assumption of guilt rather than innocence. At the Baltimore, Maryland, law office of Paul R. Kramer, LLC, I create a strong defense against DUI or DWI charges. I fight to hold the system accountable to the law that it was created to uphold.

Criminal Cases And MVA Hearings

I have been practicing law in Maryland and Washington, D.C., for over 40 years, including 20 years as a federal prosecutor. I know what to expect from the prosecution in DUI and DWI cases and I know how to prepare a defense against them. I will examine every aspect of your case to ensure your rights were respected at every stage of the process. If I find any indication your rights were violated, I will seek to have the charges dismissed or evidence suppressed. I fight to win.

I will look at everything that happened in your case from the initial stop to the time of your arrest. I will determine if the officer had probable cause to stop you and ensure you were made fully aware of your rights prior to submitting to a Breathalyzer or any other tests. I will also seek to ensure the equipment used in the testing was accurate and working properly. I will also represent you at your Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) hearing. An administrative hearing is a separate proceeding from the criminal drunk driving charge. This hearing determines what driving privileges you will have, if any, as a result of your drunk driving offense. It is also your opportunity to challenge the suspension of your driving privileges. I will do everything I can to present compelling evidence to help you keep your full driving privileges or to at least obtain conditional driving privileges to allow you to continue to drive for work and other responsibilities.

Is There A Difference Between DUI And DWI Charges In Maryland?

Yes, a DUI (driving under the influence) is the more serious charge. It occurs when a driver’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is .08% or higher. By contrast, a DWI (driving while impaired) applies when the BAC is between .04% and .07%, indicating impairment without exceeding the legal limit.

What Are The Penalties For DWI Charges?

The penalties for a DWI charge can be significant, even for a first offense:

  • Fines up to $500
  • Jail time of up to 60 days
  • Eight points added to your driving record, risking license suspension
  • Enrollment in an alcohol treatment or education program
  • Potential insurance rate increases and employment consequences

A knowledgeable DWI attorney can help you understand the way forward after being charged with a DWI.

What Are The Consequences For A First-Time DUI Offender In Maryland?

For a first-time DUI offense, the consequences are substantial:

  • Fines: Up to $1,000
  • Jail time: Up to one year
  • License suspension: Usually for six months
  • Points: Adds 12 points to the driving record
  • Alcohol education: Mandatory participation in a treatment program
  • Interlock device: Potential installation of an ignition interlock
  • Insurance rates: Increased premiums

While these penalties are less severe than for repeat offenders, they still have long-lasting effects on your driving privileges and financial well-being.

What Are The Penalties For Repeat DUI Offenders?

For repeat DUI offenders, penalties escalate significantly:

  • Fines: Up to $3,000
  • Jail time: Up to three years
  • License suspension: Up to one year or permanent revocation
  • Mandatory interlock: Compulsory installation of an ignition interlock device

As a repeat offender, working with a DUI attorney is encouraged, as there are more issues at stake.

How Does Implied Consent Work In Maryland And The D.C. Area?

Implied consent laws mean that by simply driving a vehicle, you automatically agree to submit to chemical testing such as breath, blood or urine tests if law enforcement suspects you of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

If you refuse to take the test, there are serious consequences. Even if you are acquitted of a DUI, the penalties for refusal are intended to encourage compliance with the testing process and include:

  • License suspension: Up to 270 days for a first refusal
  • Ignition interlock: Mandatory enrollment in the interlock program

Refusing the test can result in more severe administrative penalties.

DUI/DWI Attorney Serving Baltimore And The Surrounding Areas

When DUI/DWI charges are threatening your future, turn to Paul R. Kramer, LLC, for a criminal defense lawyer who can provide the defense you deserve. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 410-609-3284 or contact me online.